FOUNDATION In 2010, we formed our studio in the heart of Innsbruck, Austria. OWN IP + EXISTING FRANCHISES We create own IPs like Drone Swarm and Rescue HQ, and also work on franchises like the very successful Bus Simulator series. Together, we’ve worked on many titles and a number of industry projects. SIM, STRATEGY, MANAGEMENT Our team has accumulated expertise in simulation, strategy, and management games. With exceptional theoretical knowledge we foray into fluid dynamics (Drone Swarm), heat dissipation (Son of Nor terraforming) and many more simulation topics like pedestrian and traffic systems (Bus Simulator). A FULL REMOTE STUDIO Join us in one of our offices or work remotely – the choice is yours. Everything in stillalive is primed for remote work and we welcome motivated individuals from all over the world to become a part of our family. We have exceptional talent from all over the world. Austria, UK, Finland, Germany, Romania, Canada, US, Switzerland. We profit from past experience at companies like Ubisoft, EA and Rockstar Games. You want to create unique games, use top-notch technology, influence the game design process? We’re very lucky to have people that go above and beyond and contribute to all aspects of our crazy cool journey! I mean. We’re making games! Are you interested in coming along on this endeavour? Would you like to work either from home (we leveled up to remote work long ago) or in our beautiful office in the Alps?
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